Cameryn + Gavin
The Lanes.
This session is a bit more personal to me than others. Cam has been my best friend since we were 8 years old. Our moms were best friends, so in turn we spent every waking second with each other. Every birthday (ours were 10 days apart), every dance competition, every hardship, every celebration. We were always there for each other. I moved away when I started high school, but that never stopped us from being the sisters we had been for so long. We always called, always texted, sometimes more often than other times. Almost 10 years of being away from each other and we had changed so much. We were both married. We were big kids all of a sudden. Cam + Gav’s bridal session in Lake Como was the first time I saw her since I had left all those years ago. It felt as if I had never left. We picked up right where we left off. And annoyed the hell out of our husbands who had come with us with all of our inside jokes, loud laughter, and goofiness.
It was so special for me to document such an important and beautiful time in her life. Both of their lives. The day was overflowing with nostalgia. It was so inspiring to see their love for each other and to be able to document their bond in such a beautiful place. There was so much love that day. A sun soaked, blurry, happy memory.

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